Jordan Love, the top player, sadly lost his father to suicide. We were saddened for his loss…

For his son’s future, Orbin Love had a clear vision before taking his own life on April 20, 2024. Jordan Love is finally realizing his dream of being a top choice in the NFL draft.
“Hatever, Big O,” was the standard response from Orbin Love’s fellow police officers whenever the Bakersfield Police Department sergeant informed them that his son would be a quarterback—and a damn good one at that.
Not a very good one, as Orbin Love never uttered obscenities. To the best of anyone’s memory, he never used drugs, alcohol, smoke, or even lost his anger. Love saw something in his son that no one else did. He was a devoted father like few others with a pipe dream like a million others. thought what no one else thought. Love, who was forced to play running back for Bakersfield College after being a quarterback in high school, was eager to watch his only son, Jordan, become a better football thrower than he had ever been.
growth spurt that propelled Jordan to 6-2 in his sophomore year of high school and nearly 6-4 in his senior year. Jordan did not receive the opportunity to witness his team, the Liberty Patriots, go to the state semifinals in 2015, secure a scholarship to Utah State, or entice numerous NFL scouts to travel through the snow-covered mountains of Logan, Utah, just to watch him train.
Jordan views those achievements as presents he never had the chance to give his father; gifts of gratitude for a father’s unrelenting support, unwavering encouragement, and unwavering belief in something that Jordan himself never would have believed was possible until his dad passed away.
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